The club needs and desires several official meets each year
throughout the U.S. and Canada. It will always take good key
people, district directors and individual members in the area to
participate and organize these events to make them not only
successful, but a credit to our organization. A measure of
success in these meets will determine the number of members who
support each meet, and in the long run, the number of members we
get in the future, and especially determines the success of our
idea of preserving. Any club who desires to sponsor a Rare
Breeds meet must agree to the following criteria:
1. A sponsoring club who desires an official rare breeds meet
must contact the RBPC Secretary for approval.
2. In attempting to arrange for an official club meet, the
sponsoring club should ascertain the number of birds to be
shown, at least 50 birds should be the rock bottom to have a
RBPC meet.
3. All rare breeds so designated to be rare breeds by the RBPC
are to be classified and shown as such. This condition is to
prevail whenever a sponsoring club agrees to an authorized rare
breeds meet. All rare breeds are to be shown in a designated
4. The RBPC must receive rebates when an official meet is held
where the local club as a rule gives them to specialty clubs
holding meets. Trophies and awards will be supplied by the RBPC
only when a rebate is given.
5. The Individual Merit System of Judging will be used
exclusively in judging rare breeds at rare breeds meets.
6. Any club sponsoring a rare breeds meet, when selecting
judges, should first attempt to ascertain if the judge selected
is capable of judging the rare and exotic birds. The RBPC
Secretary and the District Director should be contacted prior to
the final selection of a judge. Every effort should be made to
notify the judge several days in advance of the types of birds
to be shown in order that he/she may consult the standards if
7. Rare breeds are to be treated in every manner the same as the
fancy, flying and utility divisions already recognized in
respect to awards, trophies and ribbons donated by the
sponsoring club, and should in all classes compete with classes
of the general show (fancy, flying, utility).
8. Rare Breeds are not to be placed on the marked list in the
same manner as the more common breeds, but are to be placed
according to the Individual Merit System of Judging designating
the letters R, HS, S, G, I.
9. The sponsoring club must be capable of offering some suitable
awards, or must encourage its members or exhibitors to do so.
The awards must follow a few set patterns, but after this is met
any awards are encouraged.
Required awards at a RBPC meet where a rebate is given:
1. Champion Rare
2. Reserve Champion Rare
3. Highly Superior Certificates
Awards given only when applicable. See meet award rules:
1. Best Color Pigeon
2. Best Flying Pigeon
3. Best Utility Pigeon
4. Best AOV (Any Other Variety)
Individuals or the host club must give any awards other than
those mentioned above.
The following rules and regulations have been voted on and
approved by the RBPC membership, with the hope of better
governing the spending of club funds. These rules must be
strictly adhered to, and any violation of these rules will be
dealt with in a disciplinary fashion, namely, denial of future
meets. With the cooperation of all those involved, we should
begin to see our meets pay for themselves, and actually make
money for the club. The Rare Breeds Pigeon Club will under no
circumstances give money out of the club Treasury to pay for
awards, so know your meet rules before purchasing awards.
1. The most that can be spent on awards at any meet is $ 75. 00
and that 's only if all conditions are met. Any rebate money
over the allotted amount for awards must be returned to the RBPC
Secretary-Treasurer, where it will be included in our Treasury
and used for bulletin expenses, etc.
2. A hosting club must offer at least a $.50 per bird rebate for
the RBPC to be responsible for any awards other than H.S.
Certificates. H.S. Certificates will be provided for RBPC
3. If a host club chooses to supply the RBPC with awards rather
than a rebate, they may do so provided they follow the
guidelines set forth later in this section.
4. The RBPC recognizes the following classes for possible
awards: Champion Rare, Reserve Champion Rare, Best Rare Color
Pigeon, Best Rare Flying Pigeon, Best Rare Utility Pigeon and
Best Rare AOV. Individual members and not the RBPC must donate
any awards other than those just mentioned. The RBPC Breeds List
is broken down into the classes (Color, Flying, Utility and AOV)
for easy reference.
5. All meets receiving a $.50 or better rebate will be allowed
awards for Champion and Reserve Champion Rare, as well as H.S.
6. Classes (Color, Flying, Utility and AOV) will only be allowed
awards if 30 or more birds are exhibited in that class. For
example, a meet with 35 Color Pigeons, 45 Flying, 10 Utility and
26 AOVs would be allowed class awards for Best Rare Color and
Flying Pigeon.
7. Clubs co-sponsoring a Rare Breed have three options (approved
* Holding their own meet and pay the expenses of the meet from
their own treasury.
* Holding a Joint Meet with the RBPC. the new club manages their
own meet and then brings their winning bird
up to compete for the appropriate category (AOV, Color, Flying,
or Utility) and for champion and reserve
Champion. The new club will get the rebate for the number of
their breed that are entered in the show. From
that rebate a contribution will be made to the RBPC for the
trophies that apply to that breed.
* Depend on the RBPC to sponsor the breed at any meets where the
new club does not have enough numbers
to put on a separate meet. The RBPC gets the rebate and covers
the expense of the judge and the trophies.
1. Let's look at a typical NYBS with a 200-bird entry and a
$1.00 per bird rebate. With 55 Color Pigeons, 74 Fliers, 32
Utility and 39 AOVS, we would need 6 awards with a total cost of
no more than $75.00. Awards would be given for Champion and
Reserve Rare, as well as all classes. Our income for the show
would be $200.00, our expenses for awards $75.00. leaving us a
net profit of $125.00.
2. Now let's look at a smaller local show, with a 110 birds
entry paying $.50 a bird rebate. With 40 Color Pigeon, 26
Fliers, 20 Utility and 24 AOVS, we would need 3 awards with a
total cost of no more than $35.00. Awards would be given for
Champion and Reserve Rare, as well as Best Rare Color Pigeon.
Our income for the show would be $55.00; our award expenses
$35.00, leaving us a net profit of $20.00.
1. Selection a Judge Every effort should be made to select a
judge familiar with as many of the rare breeds as possible to be
shown. A sponsoring club will contact the RBPC Secretary in
selecting a judge.
2. The Individual Merit System of Judging The judge must be
profoundly familiar with the Individual Merit System of Judging,
the definition of the terms and how to apply them.
3. Notifying Judge of Breeds to be shown Sponsoring club should
notify the judge 3 to 4 days in advance of the type of rare
breeds that will be exhibited. This notice will allow the judge
to review, if necessary, standards of those breeds prior to his
arrival at the showroom. (Remember, the judge is choosing birds
against the standard, not just the best ones being shown.) This
should be an absolute must in order to be fair to both the judge
and the exhibitor.
4. Cooping and Coop Cards All rare breeds should he cooped in
one general area. Prior to the judging, the coop cards will be
reversed so that the name of the exhibitor and the band number
are not visible to the judge. It is not necessary to move each
bird to a judging area. The bird should be judged in it's own
coop. Remember, each bird is being judged according to the
standard, and not it's neighbor.
5. Selecting a Steward The judge or club official should select
a steward to aid the judge with written remarks on the reverse
side of the coop card.
6. Judging The judge should handle each bird in the normal
accepted routine manner of judging, grading the birds according
to the standard, as he proceeds from cage to cage. He should
direct the steward to write on each reversed coop card reasons
why the bird received the grade awarded (HS, S, G, I).
7. Choosing the Royal Birds After the judge has graded all
birds, the steward will then collect all Highly Superior birds
and place them in a competitive judging area. The judge will
then view these birds again and choose the Royal birds from this
group, The Royal birds being the ones most near letter-perfect
according to the individual standard. The judge may choose up to
4 percent of all rare breeds shown at the meet, as royal birds
or he may choose none at all, depending on the quality of the
birds entered. Any birds selected as a Royal must be of
excellent quality in top show condition
8. Reporting Results The steward or sponsoring club official
should annotate the judging book on the results of the judge’s
decisions, A copy of the results should be forwarded to the RBPC
Secretary enclosure in the next club bulletin.
9. Meaning of the Grades of the Individual Merit System of
Judging See “ The individual Merit System of Judging" elsewhere
in this handbook for more details.
10. Spectators - Judging Area Closed Spectators should not be
allowed in the judging area nor talk to the judge during his/her
official procedures. The rare breeds should be cooped in a
square type arrangement, with coops the square area and the area
should be blocked to prevent spectators from entering during
11. Choosing Champions, Best of Breed, Best of Type, etc. After
the judge had gone through and graded each bird according to the
standard and after he/she has picked the Royal birds, then
he/she may then pick a Champion Rare from the Royals, if the
trophies are so designated. Choosing best of type, best of breed
follow ordinary procedures, the highest grades competing.
12. Fairness to All The Individual Merit System of Judging
simply judges your bird according to available not with its
neighbor. The judge will attempt, as he/she interprets the
standard, to award the grade as benefits that bird. If your bird
was awarded a "Good" (third place), it should mean that the bird
is only a stock bird, or in poor condition (according to our
judging system). If the bird is indeed a stock bird, in theory,
it should never get higher than "Good" no matter how many of
it's kind are exhibited at the same time. The idea behind this
system is to advise you where your bird stands in the eyes of
the judge, according to the standards, so that you may desire to
change your breeding schedules to perhaps upgrade the offspring
of the parent birds.
1. Award costs at meets giving less than $1.00 per bird rebate,
and/or less than 100 birds.
A. Champion Rare - $15.00 including engraving
B. Reserve Champion Rare-$10,00 including engraving
C. Class awards-Si0.00 including engraving (Classes eligible
only with 30 birds or more.)
2. Award costs at meets giving more than a $1.00 rebate per bird
and having 100 or more birds.
A. Champion Rare - $20.00 including engraving
B. Reserve Champion Rare - $15.00 including engraving
C. Class awards - $10.00 including engraving (Classes eligible
only with 30 birds or more.)
3. Please note that the above allotments are only guidelines. If
one chooses to spend $30.00 on a Champion award and only $5.00
on a Class award, they may do so as long as the total allotment
is not exceeded.
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